Devotional Diaries: Psalm 23:1

Brief thoughts and questions on Psalm 23:1 to redirect our thoughts to Jesus

​​The LORD is my shepherd; I have what I need.

Psalm 23:1


Shepherds ensure their sheep are ​well-fed, nurtured​,​ and protected. They provide everything ​that ​their sheep need, and the Lord provides everything we need. 

​Jesus ​told us that He is the Lord our shepherd:

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

John 10:11

Jesus protects us sacrificially, even when it cost Him everything. 

Blog post title: Devotional Diaries, Psalm 23:1. Also contains a photo of sheep in a field with their shepherd

So when we feel anxious about our safety or the safety of others, worried about money troubles or simply struggling to defeat the depression enough to get out of bed, remember God is protecting us and providing all that we need.

Jesus is the good shepherd. He is our shepherd. He has already paid for our salvation with His life. 

Inspired by this sermon at Holy Trinity Church Gateshead: (from 46 minutes in)


​Do you believe that Christians should be joyful?

What would it look like, if you were more joyful?


Lord God, thank you that we can be in your presence because of Jesus. Thank you that you have given us your Holy Spirit. Please help us to recognise your presence and to rejoice in You.


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