Daily Living

Unanswered Prayer title with praying hands

When Prayers Go Unanswered

Waiting is hard. Whether it’s waiting for the baby to fall asleep, waiting on exam results, or a medical diagnosis, waiting can be nerve-wracking.  Waiting on God to answer prayers can be even harder. We can struggle with waiting with…

Blog title: be assured: we are adopted. And picture of a group of people

Be Assured: We are Adopted

When we are struggling, our inner voices can lead us down unhelpful paths of thinking. They can tell us negative things that are not true or exaggerate the truth. Looking at the promises that God has given us can remind us of the truth and to start a journey towards changing our inner voices to stop looking inwards, and to look toward Jesus. The promise we're looking at today is the promise of ADOPTION.
Photo of man climbing a mountain and the text, "growing resilience as a Christian)

Growing Resilience as a Christian

Our culture has lots to say about increasing resilience, such as self-care and developing a positive mindset. As Christians, however, we have an almighty God who is unfailingly loving and endlessly generous to us. Where should our resilience come from?